The Nevada State Museum joins Western Nevada College and Visit Carson City to offer this extraordinary cultural event free to everyone!

Schedule of Events:
– Saturday, November 4th from 10 am – 3pm with campus-wide entertainment and activities.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a traditional Mexican holiday that pays tribute to the lives of loved ones who have passed on. The Día de los Muertos celebration traces its roots to the time of the Aztec people in Central America but was later influenced by cultural and religious practices brought by the Spanish. It is widely celebrated today in Mexico and the American Southwest, though celebrations can now be found throughout the United States due to its universal theme of remembrance, honor, and love. Special exhibits, called altars, are set up as memorials to departed loved ones, and often contain items that were special to them. This may include a photo of the person, samples of their favorite foods, symbols of activities they loved, and bright yellow flowers. Pan de muerto (a typical day of the dead bread) is abundantly displayed during the festival. Sugar skulls (calavera) are decorated, and fancy paper cut-outs (papel picado) add color to homes, tables, and altars.