Ash to Kings Canyon is one of Carson City’s more famous trails, it’s a 13.4 mile trail out and back (7.2 miles in one-way) and open to the public, make note it’s not for the faint of heart. It is great for hiking or mountain biking and is dog friendly. This is a warm trail in the summer due to little shade. Pack and dress accordingly.

The Ash to Kings Trail was completed in August 2015. It is a seven-mile single-track, non-motorized trail linking Ash Canyon Road on the north end and Kings Canyon Road on the south end.

The trail was constructed by volunteers, led by Muscle-Powered. Individuals and/or groups (scout groups, company or corporate groups, families and friends) are all welcome.

Whether you start or end in Kings Canyon, a detour to the Kings Canyon Waterfall, a 25 foot cascading beauty, is a must.

Click below to check out the map or to download it.